Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sequoia National Park Trip June 2017

We have uploaded a number of photos today from our trip to Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks in June of 2017.  This trip was one of our "Bucket List" trips to visit the giant Sequoia and Redwood trees of Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks.  Debra handled the trip great even though it was just 6 weeks after her knee replacement surgery.  Due to our lack of knowledge on editing this blog the photos are not in any particular order.  We will try to work on that in the future to organize them in proper sequence and to provide captions for them.  In the meantime enjoy them in their raw and disorganized state in the photo album.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Countdown Continues.

We are now down to 17 days before we depart on the Alaska adventure.  We are ready to go except for packing our clothes and washing the car.  Most of our time these last few weeks has been spent emptying out our house and getting things into storage.  We are down to the last 10 days before we move out and the house is pretty well empty.  The last few items that I cannot move by myself are scheduled to go on the 26th and the place will be empty.  The owner has already sold the home to the Realtor who came by to get the photos ready for listing the house on the MLS.  She liked it so well she is buying it herself.  That saved the owner a lot of time and trouble but it has created several minor interruptions to our life.  The owner and home inspector came in a week ago to do the home inspection and the owner had to move a piano out of her storage area downstairs.  She had a moving company come in and bring the piano up and put it in her U-Haul trailer.  So they were here that day too.  Towards the end of the inspection the buyers came over and went through the house with the inspector so we had a houseful. The owner was here with her granddaughter, the home inspector was here, the moving guys were here and the owners were here all at the same time.  Fortunately it all went well. The buyers and I talked after everyone else had left and they agreed to take the sofa bed downstairs which means I don't have to move it.  The first of this week we had the appraiser come in to do the appraisal on the house.  He was only here for about an hour and he was done.  Now it is just running out the clock until we move out.

Because we have been so involved in packing and moving we haven't done a whole lot on planning for the Alaska trip but as I said that trip is ready to go we are just waiting on the departure date.  There has been one additional plan put in place of major significance and that is an opportunity for me to go salmon fishing for King Salmon while we are there.  I had originally figured that I would just not try to go fishing this trip due to the time and expense involved and I was just looking forward to eating some fresh wild salmon while we were up there.  However, my daughter in law, Rebecca, has some friends in Alaska who were excited for us to come up and visit them.  They apparently have a farm outside Wasilla and live right on or close by the Susitna river.  They have a boat and go fishing all the time so they invited me to tag along. We have been in contact with them and are planning a King Salmon fishing day for either the 11th or 12th of June depending on weather and last minute scheduling.  All I will need is my non-resident fishing license and King Salmon tag and they will provide everything else.  Hopefully I'll have photos to share with everyone posted that day or shortly thereafter.

We are still trying to learn how to work this blog so bear with us while we go through our learning curve.  When you visit this site you should see a button that you can click on to follow the blog. This will allow you to be notified whenever we post updates on our trips.   Let me know if it doesn't show up for you or if it doesn't work for you.

Happy Trails Everyone!

We have left the love and comfort of Anthony and Rebecca's home and are back on the road again. We are now headed to Tim's and wil...